
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Hallow's Eve

In keeping with my recent tradition of being too old and tired for things that are fun, I am not planning anything special for Halloween. I'm going to come home from work, go to the gym, and come back and eat dinner in the dark in case any trick or treaters come by our building. (Hands off my mini Snickers, bitches.) If I'm feeling really crazy, I may flip on the TV and see if there are any Halloween-themed Lifetime movies on. Last night I saw one where one of the minor players from Buffy the Vampire Slayer was having disturbing visions of her dead father. I found it difficult to sleep afterwards, but probably not as difficult as the lady from Buffy the Vampire Slayer does. Or Sarah Michelle Gellar, for that matter. Ringer, we hardly knew thee.

We did go to a Halloween party this past weekend, but we had to be somewhere else right afterwards, so we didn't wear costumes. I can't tell you how amazing it was to be repeatedly asked why I wasn't dressed up. Apparently people don't view "because I'm 34" as an acceptable answer.

I have had some pretty amazing costumes in the past, if I do say so myself. I went as Harry Potter --before we'd even had the movies to show us exactly what a Wal-mart brand Harry Potter must look like -- and as Janet Reno and Hillary Clinton in two very sexy successive years. I went as Richard Simmons and as Screech from Saved by the Bell. (Wigs played a very significant role in many of these costumes.) But I don't think I'll ever top when I went as Pac Man in grade school; people thought I just had jaundice, but man I knew I was the shit.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to just having a casual night. Frankly, drinking excessively and wearing slutty clothes are more Tuesday night things.

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