
Saturday, October 27, 2012


It's been a busy few days. Wednesday night I had kickboxing and core and then went to Target for Halloween costume shopping, before deciding that I didn't want to deal with Halloween costume shopping and that I would just repeat a costume from years ago, needlessly buying a bunch of Target microwave appetizers instead, and going home. Thursday I had a work happy hour, which was more like two hours of mild boredom, following by Nashville Night in America at my sister's house. I'm honestly not sure how much I'm really going to be able to do that show. I don't really like the brokedown Kirsten Dunst character or the constant singing. I kind of wish they'd turn it into a zany comedy centered on Hayden Panettiere's crazy drug-addicted mom. Now she brings the fun.

Last night was a friend's birthday party at Whirlyball. As usual, I enjoyed smashing into people in bumper cars very much, although my car kept getting stuck in reverse with hilarious consequences. Also I kept forgetting that there was an actual goal to the proceedings, namely getting the stupid whiffle ball into the hoop. And then there were the bruises, the marvelous bruises that I incurred from my seat belt and/or accidentally jamming the steering lever into my thigh. These are the prices that you pay for being a world class athlete.

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