
Saturday, October 20, 2012

Potential "October Surprises"

-- October cancelled; just going straight to November this year.
-- Mitt Romney was the one who came up with the idea to give Dane Cook a TV show.
-- Barack Obama secretly replaced the regular White House coffee with Folger's Crystals.
-- Americans decide to actually give a shit about the democratic process.
-- Bob Schieffer loses it during the third debate and tries to make out with a cardboard bald eagle.
-- Paul Ryan enjoys feasting on the souls of virgins.
-- Full frontal Joe Biden.
-- Sarah Palin has actually not held or run for any public office in more than three years.
-- Skinnygirl margaritas for everyone!
-- Barack Obama thought Battleship "wasn't all that bad."
-- Mitt Romney's tax returns reveal what happened to Amelia Earhart.
-- Pantless Tuesdays.
-- Strong write-in candidacy from Bonnie, the lady on the Segway from the CVS commercials.
-- Wolf Blitzer changes his hairstyle.
-- Congress disbands; legislative function now to be performed by surviving members of TLC.

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