
Sunday, November 04, 2012

Fall Back Plan

Since we have an extra hour in the day today, I've made all sorts of amazing plans to get things done. So far today I have gone to church (God says "hey"), gone to the pharmacy (which is a bigger feat than it sounds, given that there are two street closures between me and the pharmacy), made breakfast, done laundry (whites AND colors, so yeah, pretty legit), renewed my registration with the ARDC (no unauthorized practice of law for me, thank you very much), and paid some bills. I actually don't think I could make my life sound any more banal if I tried, but hey, I'm pretty excited about it. Closet organizers are like pornography to me.

I'm glad to have the extra time today, because yesterday sort of disappeared for me. I had a conference call first thing in the morning that devolved into a contest to see who could tell the longest, most boring, and least relevant story about something that had happened in their legal practice once. And everyone did so well in that contest I wouldn't even be able to pick a winner, let me tell you. Also I didn't get off the phone until noon. Then I had rehearsal all afternoon for a show I'm doing that I won't identify lest anyone try to see it, but suffice it to say it involves lots of puns and parodies. It's like a slightly less classy Weird Al production. Then there was the gym, Burger King (yes, these two cancel each other out), and catching up on the DVR. I may or may not have started to lose consciousness around 11 PM.

Anyway, it's a whole new world of Daylight Savings. I'll be sure to remember how much I like it when I'm looking out into the darkness at 4:30 on Tuesday.

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