
Sunday, December 30, 2012

2012: The Year in Review

What a crazy year it was, huh? Here are some of my personal highlights:

-- Discovering Tiny Tower on my iPhone, thus enabling myself to withdraw from the real world completely.
-- Melanie Griffith showing up at the Golden Globes looking like Carol Burnett.
-- The following line being uttered in Drew Peterson: Untouchable: "Drew just pushed me into the TV. Want to help me make Margaritas?"
-- The lady from the first floor leaving an angry note for deliverymen about how the buzzer wakes up her babies. Um, are they supposed to stand in the front yard and wave their arms until you notice they are there?
-- Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit sweeping the Oscars.
-- Painkillers.
-- HBO's 10,000th airing of Catwoman.
-- The Warren Littlefield book about Must-See TV Thursdays on NBC in the '90s. Worth it for the Debra Messing anecdotes alone.
-- While cleaning out my old office, finding a file folder containing two McDonald's bags with pictures of Apolo Anton Ohno on them.
-- Getting momentarily stuck in an extreme waterslide in the Dells.
-- Falling in love with America's Olympians, and then immediately forgetting all about them.
-- Drinking large margaritas in New York; failing to realize I could do that here.
-- Election season finally ending, at least for two months or so.
-- Lindsay Lohan's wigs from Liz & Dick.
-- The return of paper towels to my office's bathrooms.

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