
Tuesday, January 15, 2013


So as with most years, Former Roommate Liz and I were the big winners of this year's Golden Globes, as we became drunk and belligerent and began posting random nonsensical things on Facebook. (#JodiFosterMeltdown) I blame the "make your own sixpack" special at the Jewel, which led me to drink several different types of beer within the scope of an hour. (The vodka drinks prior to the beer were beside the point.) And by "blame," I mean "thank," as I had a great time and suffered absolutely no ill effects the next morning. I am an alcohol wizard.

Anyway, I was shouting over much of the actual program, but there were still some definite highlights. Anne Hathaway's carefully-scripted "I'm so surprised and overwhelmed" speech really stood out, along with Lena Dunham's general cuntiness. I can't even really address Jodi Foster; it was sort of like being reprimanded in study hall for ten minutes. And was Mel Gibson sitting on something sharp the whole time, or does his face just look like that now? Maybe it was just stress from having to pretend that The Beaver (title suddenly ironic) was a good movie.

As for the actual awards, most of them were fairly predictable to everyone except Taylor Swift. It was sort of unexpected to see Ben Affleck win, and also kind of nice after the snub he received. (I refer, of course, to the lack of recognition for his work in the "Jenny From The Block" video.) And I had thought that Lincoln was pretty much unbeatable for Best Picture - Drama, given that anybody who doesn't like it essentially loves slavery. But I'm still backing Twilight for the Oscars. Kristen Stewart dies at the end, right?

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