
Thursday, January 17, 2013

Sports Corner

Well, I've finally become interested in football. Not the sport itself, obviously, but this insane story coming out of Notre Dame. (The insane story that's not Rudy -- seriously, all that practice for just one fucking game?) Here's the thing: if you have been dating your girlfriend for a year and you have never met her, she is not your girlfriend. Most people who actually exist can arrange at least a coffee date. Of course, from what I've read, he actually said that he met her in person a couple of times, so I'm wondering if maybe it's like a Fight Club thing and his girlfriend actually only exists in his imagination? Or he could just be a big old lying liar, which would be so completely unprecedented in sports. And then he forgot the cardinal rule of lying: keep it simple! Make up a girlfriend who lives in Canada, sure, but not a girlfriend who lives in Canada, drove her speedboat into a Fashion Bug, and developed pleurisy.

Of course, big ups to the major media figures who "reported" this girlfriend saga without performing so much as a google search to verify it. He picked a wonderfully distinctive name for internet searching, after all, instead of something generic like Ann Smith or Jessica Chastain. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that they couldn't be bothered to verify this after they pretty much just printed press releases on the first couple of years of the Iraq war, though.

I have actually been refreshing Deadspin all day to try to get more info on this. I wouldn't be surprised if this scandal comes to involve Charlie Sheen and a couple of dead hookers before the week is out.

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