
Tuesday, February 05, 2013

The Birthday Party

As the immutable laws of time would seem to dictate, I did indeed turn 35 yesterday. It was quite the affair. I began the day by watching three completely full red line trains pass me by at the Addison stop before cramming my way into the fourth (only 95% full) train and experiencing the joy of someone's armpit all the way down to work. I then had an office birthday party at 10 AM, which involved sitting around the conference room table and making exactly an hour's worth of small talk while eating the chocolate cake someone's wife had baked for the occasion. (I was presented with a choice between chocolate and white beforehand; I'm actually not sure that anyone has ever chosen the white.) I had to help clean up from my own office birthday party, as you really need to get those cake crumbs up off the carpet before they end up getting ground down in there. And then I spent the rest of the day with my murderers, whose delightful antics can really brighten up any special day. One of them has gone on a hunger strike, with hilarious consequences.

I did have a nice dinner and some drinks last night, lest you think I'm some sad little Melanie Griffith utterly forgotten by the world. But the bottom line is that I don't really recommend having a birthday on a Monday, unless it's like Labor Day or Memorial Day and you can stay home from work. Or Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Man, that guy really had it all.

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