
Monday, March 04, 2013

Snow Job

Well, they are yet again predicting a snowpocalypse for the Chicagoland area. I'm looking at a map projecting six to twelve inches of snow. Either that or a big blue blob is just saying "6-12" and they forgot the opening quotation marks. It's a disgusting thought, even at the low end of the range. It's March; Chicago weather is supposed to be soul crushingly cool and gray, not soul crushingly snowy. Last March, we had seventy-degree weekend, which I obviously spent working on privilege logs. But now that I could be out and about in my tube top, it's all "To Build A Fire" out there.

It is kind of funny to watch everybody freak out, though. They sent an email around at my office today basically explaining the concept of snow, since I guess some people weren't familiar with it. And people were essentially rioting over ice melt today at the Walgreen's. I mean, I think the worst case scenario here is that people can't get their cars out for one or two days; we're hardly in national guard territory. Although I would accept a police escort to the gym if anyone's offering. People get awfully pushy about getting those big lockers.

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