
Saturday, April 27, 2013


I meant to blog Thursday night, but I may or may not have gotten buzzed off of a total of two (2) margaritas, come home, thrown two packs of gum on the floor, and drifted gently off into sleep. I'm not presenting this as interesting; I just thought I'd be honest about what really happened.

I was pretty tired because, as it turns out, Naperville is exhausting. Thanks to traffic, I had to leave an hour and a half to get there each day, which meant some pretty early mornings. And no matter how long I sleep, if I get up before seven, I'm pretty much useless. I had four Diet Cokes before noon and I was still speaking in sentence fragments.

The continuing legal education program was pretty good. There was a session with appellate court judges clowning on one another, which was fairly entertaining, sort of like a Real Housewives reunion show. They also did a program where the instructor showed clips of people's actual appellate arguments and made fun of them. Imagine if Joan Rivers were 35 and a human being. But two days is a lot of CLE; it's hard for me to imagine doing anything for two days straight without liquor being involved.

And thus we come full circle.

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