
Sunday, April 14, 2013

Lifelong Learner

I went to a continuing legal education program called "The Happy Lawyer" at my office this week. I thought that perhaps they had located the only happy lawyer in America and caged him to put on display, but it turned out that they just wanted to let us know about services that are available for unhappy lawyers, or lawyers who may be happy but only feel that way due to the assistance of too many substances. (Thus, I do feel the title was somewhat misleading, and am drafting a class action complaint against the organizers as we speak.) Apparently, there's a confidential hotline we can call to get advice or counseling or even set up an intervention. I have a feeling that they get mad at you if you set one up for an addiction to say, Dance Moms, however.

I actually went to a similar program while I was still working at a big firm, but that one turned into a free for all group therapy session, with everyone confessing their secret hopes, fears, and desires. I learned which of my coworkers woke up in the middle of the night screaming and which felt that they had perhaps been touched in questionable ways by their high school wrestling coaches. Any many people of course just complained about the fact that they actually seemed to be expected to show up at the office to collect their six-figure salaries, which I'm sure warmed the hearts of the volunteer therapists that ran the program. Lunch was provided at that program, though, so it started out way ahead of most.

Anyway, it is an important issue, since I can tell you from experienced that a lot of lawyers need a lot of professional help. And I got an hour and a half of ethics credit for attending, so I really can't complain, although lord knows I do try.

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