
Thursday, April 04, 2013

Vienna in Pictures, Part III
This edition has a lot of churches. They're a really religious people, I guess. Either that or they've got a big fresco industry.

This is the Jesuitenkirche. It's kind of over the top how gorgeous it is, frankly. Almost offensive. If you look really closely you can see another person taking a picture at the bottom of my picture.

This is the dome of the Peterskirche, which was right across the street from our hotel. It depicts a bunch of angels, like, hanging out and stuff. I'm pretty sure some of them are watching Hoarders.

This is the Karlskirche. Mainly I just remember that it was snowing horizontally the first time we were there. Directly into my face. It's bad when you feel the weather is targeting you personally.

This is the roof of the Stephansdom, which depicts the double-headed eagle, which is a symbol of Austria, I think. Or maybe one of the emperors kept a double-headed eagle as a pet, I don't know. I didn't really pay that much attention in German class.

This is the Belvedere, not to be confused with Mr. Belvedere, who was nowhere in sight. It's another palace, which they've basically turned into an art museum. They've got so many palaces lying around that they're  turning them into gas stations and warehouses now. And yet they refused to give me one of my own, which is frankly just rude.

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