
Sunday, May 12, 2013

Committee Thinking

So I serve on a professional committee that shall remain nameless. (But the use of the word "professional" pretty much rules out the Itty Bitty Titty Committee, thank you very much.) It's something that I got roped into doing before I left the big firm, since I think I successfully said "no" a total of four times in the almost seven years I worked there, and two of those time I'm pretty sure involved turning down pie. Nowadays I don't know that I'd even be invited, because being someone they think they can get money out of seems to be part of the deal. But I'm on the committee, and I seem to be just minimally competent enough that I'm not going to get thrown off any time soon.

Anyway, by and large the committee is not much work and I don't mind it much, but sometimes the meetings just drive me batty. They're seriously just two hours of people sharing their many deep thoughts about the law and complaining about how the teleconference equipment doesn't work the way they think it should. There's a lot of people talking over other people while I just kind of sit there and try to look like I'm paying attention. Generally this involves putting my phone somewhere where it's not totally obvious that I'm playing with it. And I'm the youngest person in the room by about ten years, so I don't even have anyone to sit back and be sarcastic with. I write a lot of bitter tweets in my head.

I'm sure this is all good for my resume somehow, right?

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