
Monday, May 27, 2013

Treasures from the Quincy Archive

My parents literally never throw anything away, so their house is always full of amazing things. (In addition to catalogues of violin supplies from 1992 and remnants of my sister's dance costumes from the mid '80s.) Here is just a small selection:

The perfect gift for the child who sees Woodlawn Cemetery and thinks, hey, I'd love to color that. Which is all children, isn't it?

Yes, we have a Labyrinth poster. It came free with the VHS copy, as I recall. As though they needed to sweeten that deal. Still Jennifer Connolly's best work, by the way.

I went through a latchhooking phase in middle school. I swear that all of the kids were doing it. We weren't cool enough to get into drugs.

Irrefutable evidence that I am a mathelete. I think this was first place in Geometry, though it may have been Advanced Algebra. Apologies to Jonathan March if I got our triumphs reversed.

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