
Saturday, June 29, 2013

Born to Run

So I ran a 10K this morning. This was a first for me. I run all the time, but I avoid doing it in any organized fashion. I like to be able to stop randomly and look out at the water or at some person I think might be Jennifer Aniston (but isn't). Also, I tend to prefer to be alone with my thoughts (which are generally about Jennifer Aniston) when I run. But I have to admit, this was kind of fun. Being in the crowd motivated me to run faster, since I didn't want to do worse than anyone I thought looked to be in worse shape than me. The course was kind of cool and went through some areas that I don't normally run in (like the other side of the soccer field -- crazy!). And I got to go to breakfast with friends afterwards; I find that massive quantities of bacon are a major plus in any exercise situation.

Things I didn't like? Porta potties. The woman who stopped short directly in front of me, forcing me to do a weird hop/dance to avoid knocking her over. It being like fifty degrees out. Oh, and the t-shirt. Lime green. There are very few occasions that call for lime green.

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