
Thursday, June 20, 2013


Right off the bat I should probably admit that I don't have any news about M. Night Shyamalan (or M, as I call him, since we're basically brothers) today, since I know that's why a lot of you come here. I can tell you that whatever M is doing right now, it's really awesome, because he's M, but that's about it.

I do have some amazing personal news, though: I finally have a tooth again! After a total of four (4) surgeries over the course of about six (6) years, several thousand (xk) dollars, and innumerable painkillers, I have regained my second upper left molar. It feels weird, to be honest. I constantly feel like I'm going to bite myself. Maybe I'm just not cut out to have adult teeth.

Also, can I tell you that level 65 of Candy Crush is killing me? I've seriously been trying to beat it for three days now. Yes, I realize this is a game for 12-year-old girls, but I'm finding it very difficult. It seems like every day my iPhone brings me to new levels of shame.

I'm headed out to Lake Geneva, WI (not the good Geneva) for a bar association meeting tomorrow. Can you handle the glitz and the glamour? I mean, we're talking complimentary breakfast buffet at the Comfort Inn and Suites, here.

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