
Monday, June 24, 2013

My Life, My Time

Well something surely must be said about Lifetime's Jodi Arias movie. I did watch it, natch, although I don't actually know much about the real life case. I guess I spend so much time dealing with true crimes at work that I don't really feel like reading up on them in my free time. But judging from the Lifetime version, Jodi Arias was a good time gal whose man done her wrong and she ended up having to stab/shoot him repeatedly to get him to respect her. At first they had a fun, sexy romance that seemed to involve a lot of selfies/converting to Mormonism, but ultimately it ended in a pool of blood, as these things so often do. Also she decided to become a brunette, which really didn't suit her quite as well.

There were of course some classic scenes. Jodi appearing to orgasm while getting baptized comes to mind, as does Jodi's jailhouse rendition of "O, Holy Night." There were also a number of unintentionally comic fights, some of which involved rapid, angry texting. I could have done without the roughly twenty-minute murder scene, but it was fairly easy to fast forward until the stabbing stopped. Oh, and let me give a well-deserved shout-out to the genius who decided that the title should be half print ("Jodi Arias") and half cursive ("Dirty Little Secret"). It told us right off the bat that this was going to be a brutal murder, sure, but with a feminine touch.

Anyway, I guess overall I'd place it well above "Prosecuting Casey Anthony" (too talky), but well below "Amanda Knox: Murder on Trial In Italy" (the title alone is a thrilling exercise in prepositions) and "Drew Peterson: Untouchable" (moustache rides ten cents), still the gold standard for ripped-from-the headlines Lifetime. And regardless, I'm sure the families of the victims of all of these crimes take great solace in the fact that at least their losses helped provide work for B-list actors with Mercedes leases to pay.  

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