
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Storm of the Century

So all day, everyone was hyping this big storm that was supposed to hit Chicago tonight. It was the top story on the local news, I heard it on the radio while I was driving to the gym, and it was all over the internet. Heavy rain! Dangerous winds! Flash flood warning! People left work early because of it; my core instructor was late to class because of it. (She actually was not late, but she thought she was late and apologized for it like a billion times, and also told a semi-racist story about how her cab driver didn't "get" why she was in a hurry.) It was the talk of the town!

Unless I missed it while I was at the gym, nothing came of it. The sidewalks do seem a bit damp, but there are no tree limbs down. We have miraculously retained our power. I have not actually even seen or heard any rain. Is it maybe still coming? I would consult weather.com, but they have a bad habit of telling me there's a 0% chance of rain when it is actually currently raining out.

Anyway, that's Chicago weather. Lots of talk and no action. Not that I'm complaining, in this case.

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