
Sunday, June 23, 2013

Tales of the Great White North

So yes, Lake Geneva was awesome, thanks for asking. I was there for less than eighteen hours and it managed to be raining most of the time I was there. I stayed at the Comfort Inn & Suites, where the "suite" means that there is a little half wall between your bed and a pull-out couch. Also an empty microfridge. So it could basically be your college dorm room, but with a slightly worse cable package. MTV has a lot of educational value.

There was a free breakfast, which was nice, although I lacked the fortitude to brave the line for the waffle maker. And free wireless internet, so you don't have to worry about slow game play on Words With Friends.

The meeting itself was fine. They cap them at two hours, which is a fantastic idea, although it does little to diminish my righteous indignation towards people who have an irrelevant anecdote for every item on the agenda. For a minute I thought I saw Hilary Swank in the lobby, but upon closer inspection I discovered it was just some dude.

I had to pee so badly on the way back that I had a bit of road rage on Addison, where people were idling down the road at five miles per hour in the absurd hope of finding a parking spot on major traffic artery a game day. Perhaps the third Diet Mountain Dew was taking it too far.

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