
Monday, September 02, 2013

Adult Education

Yesterday I taught my parents how to use Netflix. It went pretty well; there was no screaming or crying. I'm concerned there might not be enough dog-related programming (in the world, really) to satisfy them, but there's not much I can do about that. Unless I want to open my own television and film studio, like Tyler Perry. Which of course I do.

In other exciting news, we encountered a car that was on fire on our way back from dinner last night. It was sitting in the middle of the highway shooting flames high into the air. I was afraid that proximity to the burning car would somehow cause our car to explode (science), so I forced my parents to take the long way around to get home. I mean, it wasn't like Dame Judi Dench was coming over for cocktails or anything. Despite my repeated invitations.

And in a mere matter of hours, I will be getting back on the train for Chicago. The good news is I have switched out my iPhone music mix in the meantime; I can only listen to the Pitch Perfect soundtrack so many times. And in truth the appropriate number of times was probably zero. So with that and the Virginia Woolf book I will find multiple excuses not to read, I am more than equipped to go.

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