
Saturday, September 28, 2013

In Which I Reach Amazing New Levels of Procrastination

I have to write an abstract for one of my articles this weekend. This is not a difficult or a time consuming thing to do. And yet, I do not really want to do it. It will require me to remember what the damn article is about and summarize it in a concise yet clever way. I may even have to read the thing. Clearly, I would rather watch Lifetime movies. And so I have spent the day so far coming up with other tasks that I can do instead of working on the abstract. For example, I voted all of the proxies that have been sitting on my kitchen counter for about three weeks. When I want to vote a proxy rather than do something, you can tell I really don't want to do that something, let me tell you. Although to be clear, I feel very strongly about which people I don't know should serve on the boards of corporations I don't remember buying stock in. I also wrote my acceptance speech for the alumni award I'm getting from my undergrad next weekend. It's supposed to be no more than two minutes long and it basically boils down to just "thank you," so clearly that needed doing. And I went through and shredded old bank statements. Yes, I still get some hard copy bank statements. Frankly, I'm begging for my identity to be stolen, because who ever takes it would likely use it far more productively than me.

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