
Monday, November 04, 2013

American Reunion

I had my ten year law school reunion this weekend. It was one of those things where I got the invite and just sort of assumed that I would go and then after RSVPing immediately began wondering why I had agreed to go. But having already spent $120 on it, I was definitely going. And I ended up being fairly glad that I did, even if my drinking plans were totally thrown into disarray when it turned out it was a beer and wine bar. I saw a lot of nice people who I had not seen in a while, and for the most part did not say ridiculous or embarrassing things to them. (Exception: I did find myself talking at length about Lorde for some reason, although for the record I'm not like writing her name in a big heart on my Trapper Keeper or anything.) A lot of people even looked better than they did in law school, which is saying a lot given the horrible things that ten years of legal practice can do to a person. I mean, it's amazing how few of my classmates got rickets or scurvy. And I was really pleased that a lot of the conversation took the form of "remember that time you dressed up as Hillary Clinton for Halloween and threw up on that girl" as opposed to "so tell me about your law practice." Also there were mini burgers that were delicious, although I did not get nearly enough of them. It was quite possibly the social event of the season.

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