
Monday, December 30, 2013

2013 Year in Review

Wow, a lot of stuff sure happened in 2013! I'm not really remembering what any of it was at present, but it happened. I mean, was Libya this year? No wait, I think that was last year. The election was last year, too. Well, there were certainly elections this year, but not the kind that people get super excited about. And the Olympics were last year; we've already had time to forget all of our Olympic heroes by now, just in time for the next set. Oh, the government shutdown happened in 2013, so that's something. I just chalk that up to nineties nostalgia. We got a new Pope, and he seems pretty good so far, although I've seen raisins with more charisma than his predecessor (the California Raisins, natch). Edward Snowden was a thing. Namely the finest celebrity eyeglass model since Sarah Palin. What else, what else? Nelson Mandela, Miley Cyrus. Not together, actually, although I think that would have been pretty cute. Was this the year Jennifer Lawrence won her Oscar? She's lovable, right?

Of course, I had a big year personally, what with my big Vienna trip, so endlessly chronicled here, and my shows, which were also rather endlessly chronicled, come to think of it. And my sister's wedding. And Former Roommate Liz's wedding. Good lord, everyone is married. Except Jennifer Aniston; she's still going to die alone.

2013 was a great year! Or something! And regardless, 2014 is definitely happening no matter what!

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