
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Exciting Times

Well, I'm back. I am no longer a star of stage and screen. That's rather tragic, of course, but I'm sure my amateur acting career shall rise again. Anyway, here is some photographic evidence.

I played this guy, who wasn't any sort of actual character, but just an excuse for me to have a fake tattoo and wear an obscene hat. This is supposed to be me getting fake arrested, but everyone says it looks like I'm getting an anal probe.


Somehow the cast party moved to the tub. And by somehow, I mean that it was my doing. That is one hell of a comfortable tub.

I'm the creature on the left. I found the mask is especially fun when you surprise people with it while they're trying to watch Downton Abbey.

I also played a contemporary-ish version of the tin man. Either that, or I just like wearing a funnel on my head. I suppose it could be both.

The eyewear isn't really for anything; they just have a big box with eyewear in it, which ended up taking up several hours of my life. Obviously, I need more hobbies.

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