
Thursday, January 29, 2015

Kulchur Korner

I finally saw 12 Years a Slave. And by "saw," I mean "read the plot synopsis online and then watched from the kitchen with one hand over my eyes whenever something really brutal was happening." There was a bit more whipping and raping and slashing than in, say, 13 Going on 30. It was pretty hard to watch, but I think probably one of the only accurate depictions of slavery for that reason. The acting was good, and I really enjoy saying Lupita Nyongo. There was a bit too much of the calming imagery of nature for my taste, but it did serve as a nice palate cleanser. And I totally forgot Brad Pitt was in it, even after I saw him, because good lord did he look rough. Is Angelina depriving him of exfoliating cream? Anyway, I finally saw last year's Best Picture. Just in time to not have seen whatever ends up winning this year.

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