
Thursday, February 05, 2015

Another Year...

Yesterday was my birthday. As the years have gone by, my birthday celebrations have gotten less and less elaborate. Well, maybe it's not a strict linear progression; I can recall one birthday during law school when I celebrated by buying myself a bag of M&Ms from the vending machine in the cafeteria. It wasn't the merriest of places. But I certainly haven't had any keg parties (or for that matter roller rink parties) within recent memory. This year I ordered in with the family and watched my DVR of Parks & Rec from last night. Oh, and I went to work. That always makes for a stunning celebration.

Actually, the past two years some of my coworkers have gotten together and thrown a little office party for my birthday, by which I mean we have sat in the conference room on our hallway and awkwardly eaten cake. They also hung a sign that says happy birthday over the door to my office. (I am actually happy just to have a door; this is not as common as one might think in my workplace.) But this year everyone forgot! Which is actually a pretty big relief. I am running out of PG anecdotes to share.

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