
Sunday, October 18, 2015

Dog & Baby Show

Yesterday Aubrey's doggie day care had a Halloween party. We took her, not because we thought she'd necessarily enjoy it, but because we thought it would be good for her. Also because it's fun to make her wear costumes. We went with the giraffe.

There was a lot of trembling and drooling on the way over there (from her, not me), but ultimately I think she had a pretty good time. She ran around and sniffed some butts and she got some nice treats. She did spend a fair amount of time rushing the exits, but she never actually escaped, and a couple of times I actually caught her playing. So she is improving.

I wish I'd known in advance what a fine affair this would be, as they had a lot of amazing snacks for the humans in attendance and even an open bar! The wine list was a bit lacking, but I think that's probably true of most doggie day cares.

Afterwards, we hosted a little play date for my nephew and our friend's baby. It turns out babies do seem to sort of enjoy relating to each other. There was a lot of strong eye contact and even a bit of rolling. Certainly I've had dates that have gone worse.

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