
Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Money Matters

Apparently, they're going to change the $20 bill so that it features Harriet Tubman instead of Andrew Jackson. I am all for this move, particularly because I wrote an essay about how Harriet Tubman was the person I most admired in junior high. To be fair, the person I probably ACTUALLY admired the most in junior high was probably Batman, but I knew enough not to put that in the essay. I'm not sure that I really admired Andrew Jackson at all in junior high. Although I probably knew a lot more about him than I do now, since my US history class was a lot more recent. Certainly he had a terrible haircut.

I'm hoping that, while they're at it, they make some other fun changes to our currency, since right now it's kind of ass boring. Maybe add some colors, a little celebrity gossip? Wouldn't it be great if every dollar bill had a "Stars: They're Just Like Us" photograph on it? I personally would love to be reassured that Eva Longoria pumps gas just like me when I'm buying beef jerky at the 7-11. In fact, I'd like to see the whole operation outsourced to TMZ. Though I am ready and willing to serve as Treasury Secretary, should the subject ever come up.

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