
Wednesday, May 04, 2016

From the World of Dog Science

Our vet put Aubrey on doggie anti-anxiety meds a few months back and it has utterly transformed her life. No longer do we return home to find her barking, shivering, and scratching at the door. Nor do we find the tattered remains of some poor entertainment media or other scattered across the bedroom floor. Rather, we find a calm, happy dog, who still tears around the living room like a madwoman for about ten minutes, but only in the most life affirming of ways. This is how I remember dogs being! Well, not dogs owned by me specifically -- they've generally been insane in some way -- but dogs I've seen on TV and stuff. Apparently, the widespread destruction isn't necessarily part of the package.

Anyway, this is kind of a good news/bad news situation, as we've been told she shouldn't be on the meds for more than a few months. Even though I know plenty of humans who've been on theirs for years. But maybe she's just magically normal now? I prefer to live in denial for as long as possible.

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