
Monday, May 30, 2016

Party People

We had my nephew's first birthday party this weekend. He is, of course, way too young to have any interest in a party of any kind, but this is America, so we had decorations and activities and cake and snacks that he could not eat. The largest portion of the party was by far dedicated to a family photo session with a photographer, which should yield lots of shots of a baby who is about to cry or who has recently stopped crying. There were also presents, which he did seem to enjoy, to the point that he let out a several extended screams of joy. (These must be distinguished from his screams of anger or disappointment.) Oh, and there was music from his baby music class, which is clearly designed to drive adults mad. It was quite the affair!

The cake, in particular, was quite perplexing to poor Jack. We put a piece in front of him and he only sort of gingerly touched it. We then tried to put little pieces directly into his mouth, which seemed to very much upset him. Then he started dribbling frosting all over his body, at which point we realized what a clutch move it had been to allow him to wear just his diaper for the cake portion of proceedings. Then he started crying and pretty much didn't let up. Turns out he doesn't like to be messy, just like his uncle.

All in all, it was the best first birthday party I've ever been to, though I must admit that I can't really say if I've ever been to a first birthday party before this.

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