
Thursday, June 02, 2016

Helpful Moving Tip

When you're packing for a move, it may help to be intoxicated. For weeks now, I've been avoiding work on our storage locker, because I knew it was a complete mess and would take forever to go through. Also, I knew there were going to be a ton of hard choices to be made, since I hate to throw things away. But guess what? Turns out drinking makes all of that easier.

After a lovely afternoon of brunch and cocktails last Saturday, I came home and, after eating half a family sized bag of Doritos, decided it would be fun to work on the storage locker. I pulled everything out of there in a total frenzy and just started tossing random crap I had saved for literally no reason in the trash. Notes from my Constitutional Law class in law school? In the trash. (Well, recycling, but let's not get too literal here.) Briefs I'd saved from my first job? In the trash. A non-functioning TV/VCR combo I've had since college? In the trash. Decisionmaking is easy and fun!

Of course, I did manage to bang my ankle against something in the process, and only just today discovered I have a huge cut and ugly looking bruise there, but that's just the price you pay for success, I guess. I'm drinking for everything from now on.

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