
Saturday, December 17, 2016

Professional Development

I am changing jobs! It's a bit great and a bit sad. I will definitely miss my colleagues, along with the perverse thrill of having a dead body involved in almost every case. How can I ever top the criminal mastermind who disposed of all the evidence of the murder he committed by throwing it into the river, forgetting that it was February and said evidence was not going anywhere? Or the ingenious mail bomber who wrote a series of letters to the authorities from the "real killer" but turned out not to be super great at disguising his handwriting? Or the guy who tried to drug his business partner by putting sedatives in her coffee, not realizing that they would turn the coffee pink? I can't possibly hope to encounter that much genius in my new role.

I won't, on the other hand, miss the dirty carpet that literally dated back to the construction of the building in 1980 and did not get vacuumed but rather buffed. Or the elevators that imprisoned me on more than one occasion. Or my windowless office that everyone kept telling me was a "good office" because it had a door. Production values were not a strong suit.

And so I'm going back to a law firm. A big firm, in fact. And I know I am going to work a lot, but I am actually ready for that. There is only so much Candy Crush to play, as it turns out, and I have come to grips with the fact that it was not my work schedule that prevented me from writing that novel, but rather my own lack of patience and the abundance of trash television. Plus, I'm fairly excited about the work and the people. And my giant, clean office with an actual view. Little things can make a big difference.

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