Sunday, April 09, 2017
Party in the USA
Ian and I are thinking of having a little party this summer in honor of our recent marriage. And by "party," I mean we want lots of our friends to get drunk and eat fried foods in a nice outdoor space. But this is surprisingly hard to set up. Our own place would be great for it, except we really don't want to have to cook or clean up afterwards. Also our neighbors would probably murder us in our sleep. There's a great place just a block away from us, but it's where we caught the norovirus, and we told a lot of people about that, so they'd probably be a little leery of attending a function there. And we're opposed to doing it at any sort of reception hall or hotel, because that feels too much like an actual wedding, and we don't want anyone asking us to do a dollar dance or make a speech about the transplendent river of our love. So we've found a couple of decent restaurants in the area with roof spaces, and we are checking them out.
Which brings me to Courtney. Courtney is the event planner for one of these places, and we have had a lively email interchange with her. She seems wholly incapable of remembering anything we tell her for more than a few minutes, leading to lots of interesting conversations where we explain repeatedly that Asian tacos do not really represent our personal style and that we are not interested in hiring their trance-music DJ for the evening. When Ian first told her this was for a post-wedding party, she told him she could not wait to meet his wife. And then when we first met her in person, there happened to be some random sixtysomething female standing near us, which Courtney immediately assumed was that wife. Suffice it to say we had some 'splainin to do.
Anyway, we're closing in on it. And God willing, I will drink generic brand vodka drinks in the sun once more.