
Sunday, July 08, 2018

Odds N Ends

It's been a truly fascinating summer here on Cleveland Avenue. We had the culmination of years-long House of Cards style political machinations in form of the final passage of some very modest rental restrictions for our condo association, which have of course done nothing to prevent people from blocking my garage with their moving vans. We also enjoyed the city literally tearing up all of the asphalt on our street, putting up no parking signs, and then leaving it for three weeks before finally putting a new surface down. And then there were the illegal fireworks! You know me, I love anything that will make a dog too terrified to urinate.

My mother has also been staying with us this summer, which has dramatically increased my attendance at dog parks and free concerts at strip malls. She recently had the idea to get a little bit crazy and try out a different Catholic church each weekend, so obviously that's been a pressure cooker of excitement. It has been interesting to see how many different ways there are to make the same thing really boring.

Of course, we haven't neglected arts and culture. We watched Westworld from start to finish, despite my general aversion to seeing people get shot, and sped through the new (half) seasons of Kimmy Schmidt and Arrested Development, with varying results. And we went to see Incredibles 2, without even the pretense of taking my nephew along. Children should watch movies off of pirated VHS copies while sitting in rows on the floor of a multi-purpose room as their teachers take smoke breaks, just like I always did growing up.

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