
Sunday, October 14, 2018

MC Skat Kat, Eat Your Heart Out

This year in my lawyer musicale, they are including a number from Cats. Now, I never really did Cats the first time around, so I didn't know much about it, other than that it ran forever and provided a plot point for a very early episode of Friends. (The one where Monica becomes friends with the woman who stole her credit card.) So I did a little Googling, and holy fuck! It is creepy as hell. I have seriously been kept awake at night imagining those cat-men staring at me and, like, grooming themselves. Also, I don't get it? It seems like a lot of cat-men and cat-women jazz dancing randomly. Does anything ever actually happen? Also, what the hell is a Jellicle?

The great news, though, is that Cats ended up being a gateway drug for me to other cat-related entertainment, specifically the insane Gloria Estefan video for "Bad Boy," in which she flirts coquettishly with an array of giant cat-men, some of whom play saxophones. A cat tail is used as a visual reference to an erect penis, and we are led to believe that Gloria Estefan carries around a live goldfish at all times in case she needs to feed a cat-man. Also, she's got a hell of a home perm going on. It's worth a look, believe me.

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