
Saturday, December 29, 2018

2018 Roundup

As the year draws to a close, it's a good time to sit back, reflect, and watch sixteen consecutive hours of Hallmark movies. Here are some of my key takeaways from the year that was:

-- I'm going to catch some sort of disease every time I fly. I'm seriously considering becoming one of those people who wears the face mask on the plane. It would also probably keep people from trying to make small talk with me.

-- When I do catch something, the CVS clinic is pretty amazing. Get in, get out, get some drugs, maybe even pick up some gummy worms while you're at it.

-- Travel is still pretty worth it. Unless it's business travel, of course. Those two nights at Texas airport hotels didn't really spark joy for me, shall we say.

-- Vienna is still the best. Very pretty, very safe, very easy to navigate, and close to lots of other interesting places.

-- Interesting places can also be kind of scary, though. When you don't speak the language, can't find your train, and there are live goats in the train station, it can feel as though you are entering into a Taken scenario. 

-- Vail is fun. Even in the offseason. This may well depend on having good friends, ample vodka, and a surprising amount of junk food with you, though.

-- Kids these days. My law students never cease to amaze me with the basic life skills they lack in their mid twenties. Resolving your disputes over Airbnb accommodations is not really meant to be part of the job description.

-- Work is work. You can like what you do for a living, but it is still what you do for a living. Unless you're like, Jennifer Aniston, and then I'm sure every day is a fabulous dream.

-- Eating is like my favorite thing ever. I start thinking about each upcoming meal pretty much immediately following the last meal. I'm thinking about it now, actually.

-- Something will always be broken. As soon as I replace a light bulb, the cable goes out or the garbage disposal stops working. If I ever get that discolored patch of carpet replaced, I'm pretty sure the roof will cave in.

-- True friends don't care how lame you are. Go ahead and get so drunk you start crying at Soho House for no real reason; they'll laugh about it with you later.

Here's hoping for many more key learnings in 2019!

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