
Sunday, April 07, 2019

The Jet Set

So funny thing: it turns out jet lag is very real and very unpleasant. Last Saturday, Sunday, and Monday I barely made it to 8 PM before falling asleep for the night. And it wasn't like I was waking up at 4 AM, either; I slept like ten hours a night and still didn't feel rested. It is, of course, just barely possible that it was a bad idea for me to go out drinking with my friends until 2 AM the night I got back from China, but who wants to go laying blame, anyway? Regardless, I managed to push bedtime back about an hour a night until I finally got back on something resembling my normal sleep schedule. Which is a good thing, because the 10 PM edition of Murder, She Wrote isn't going to watch itself.

The other good news is that my extensive flight time allowed me to catch up on some movies, when I wasn't sleeping or awkwardly asking to be release from my window seat so I could pee. I finally saw a Star is Born, and kind of didn't get the hype. I mean, we weren't exactly in Britney Spears' Crossroads territory, but the Cher cinematic canon doesn't need to feel threatened, either. I thought the Oscar song was fine and all, but there was an awful lot of singing, and not in the "I somehow ended up buying the Country Strong soundtrack" kind of way. I also watched BlackKklansman, which was fine. The story was interesting enough, but I did feel a bit like I was continually being hammered to EMBRACE THE CONTEMPORARY RELEVANCE, PEOPLE! Also, I will never accept Adam Driver as a legitimate actor; he will always be that greasy dude from Girls to me.

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