
Sunday, May 19, 2019

Deep in the Heart of Texas

Well, not exactly. I'm told it's actually pretty close to the Oklahoma border, but I haven't google mapped it yet to find out. Regardless, I'm going to Sherman, Texas for a multi-week trial. What is in Sherman, Texas, you may ask? Well, there's a federal court there, and also apparently a Cracker Barrel. (The food options I have googled, because I have priorities.) Sunny Delight Beverages Co. is reputed to have facilities there (if Wikipedia is to be believed), which is great news for the '90s. And there are a variety of hotels, one of which is renting us forty rooms for the month. Because, wow, there are a lot of us. Also I demanded a second room to store my harpsichord.

I have never been away for this long, and coming on the heels of my recent China and San Francisco excursions, this is tough. I have a certain amount of fear that the dog will forget who I am, though I am sure she will like me just the same so long as I offer her food items. I don't think Ian will forget who I am, though he may wish that he could after being abandoned long term with an incontinent beagle. I would love it if my other co-workers would forget who I am, but my guess is they will continue to pepper me with requests straight up through verdict.

The upshot for all of you (if in fact there are still any of you) is that I may not post much in the coming weeks. Not only will my time be short, but my office also has a policy that we can't use their equipment for personal blogging. I'm guessing that's just to protect them from liability in case someone decides to share unusual views on race relations or, worse yet, Game of Thrones fan fiction, but I'm not really planning to test it.

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