
Monday, September 02, 2019

Home & Family

Ian and I went down to Quincy for the first time in so long that I can't actually remember for sure how long ago it was. I know I was there for my high school reunion in the summer of 2016, but I can't pin down whether there was another trip after that. It was before the Bergner's and the SEARS closed, I know that. And before the IHOP opened. None of which is very helpful.

But regardless, we had a nice visit with my mom. We took the dogs to the dog park, went for a run, and hit some of the hottest dining locales in the tri-state area. I also had a project this time, to go through all the papers that have been saved in my room since roughly the dawn of time. Apparently, I felt it was vital to hold onto not only all of my college syllabi, but also all of my daily planners and a surprising number of photocopies of excerpts from Walter Ong's Orality and Literacy. Those were easily sent to the shred bin, but I did also find some fun materials I had to hold on to, such as an AP Lit paper I wrote on zero sleep where I for some reason referenced zany TV dads in my introduction and a play my friend and I wrote based on the relationship haiku of Alexis Rotella, originally entitled Rotella! Clearly, these are treasures for the ages.

I always have ambiguous feelings when I come back to Chicago from Quincy. On the one hand, I have incredible memories of the people I met there and the experiences I had there. On the other hand, visiting the Quincy Wal Mart on a Saturday afternoon scares the bejeezus out of me. I'm sure these are universal emotions.

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