
Sunday, September 08, 2019

TV Guide

We've been on a roll with our TV watching lately. We flew through the third season of GLOW, which we really enjoyed despite the Geena Davis-ness of it all. I wasn't sure how the move to Vegas (theirs, not ours) would impact things, but it turned out to be pretty much a non issue. It's the sort of character-based humor that I really enjoy, and I really respect the fact that they let all of the leads be kind of horrible at times. Not in terms of like, decapitating people or anything, but just being kind of self centered and clueless, which is bad enough.

If it's decapitation you're after, though, there's always Mindhunter. It's been long enough since season one that I kind of forgot about it, but I'm tempted to say season two was even better. I'm not generally a fan of "slow TV," since I like stuff to happen and all, but this one is so psychologically interesting to me that I don't need them to catch a criminal every week like it's SVU or something. And again, it's fun that they just let their lead character be kind of insufferable. I would appreciate more nudity, though. Full frontal just seems like it would be so appropriate to the story.

We've also watched almost all four seasons of Real Housewives of Potomac, and I'm not embarrassed to say it. Those ladies bring it, week after week. Gizelle is beautiful but evil, Robyn is fun but sleepy, and Karen is one of the most delusional people ever to appear on reality television, if you can imagine such a thing. Even Ashley has kind of grown on me, and her "Coffee and Love" has earned a place in the pantheon of Housewife singles, perhaps not on the level of a "Money Can't Buy You Class," but certainly above a "Google Me." It's all worth a look.

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