
Saturday, January 04, 2020

New Year, New You

The beginning of the year is always a super weird time for me, and not just because I keep writing the wrong date on my checks! Because checks are still totally a thing! No, it's just hard to get back into the swing of things after weeks of making wassailing (oh yes, wassailing) and chestnut roasting my top priority. I'm tired all the time because of that Chicago thing where there is no sunlight for like six straight months of winter, and my feet always seem to be cold, like a woman named Linda who works in accounting. Nobody from work is making any serious demands on me because they all pretty much want to be with their families or mistresses, and I've got a break between amateur theatricals, leaving me without lines or hand choreography to learn. Plus it's that strange time where Christmas is over but Hallmark is still leaning into the movies pretty hard, so I don't even have nighttime Murder, She Wrotes to lull me to sleep. These are indeed tragic times.

The solution, probably, is to come up with some positive things that I can look forward to doing, but the only one I've come up with so far is eating, and I can only do so much of that before I'm in serious stretch mark territory. Maybe I need to start a blog or something. Oh wait.

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