
Saturday, May 23, 2020

Running Out of Material

It is genuinely difficult to think of things to blog about while housebound. I'm afraid my trips to the grocery store every other week simply do not provide enough incident to make for thrilling narrative. Unless you find my struggle to find cheese cubes I like for snacking to be an epic saga. I've already written about my crafting, my television viewing, and the various odd jobs I've done around the house. I guess I could start detailing our various delivery orders, but I think you'd find it truly terrifying.

One big event this week that vastly improved my life was my triumphant repair of our Wii, I guess. With the help of my best friend the internet, I determined that we might just need a new AC adapter. Fourteen dollars of Amazon later, we were back in the MarioKart business. I have to say that clocking Baby Peach with a red shell every now and then really has brightened up the quarantine.

Also, there is work. I can't really talk about any of it, because it's all double super secret client stuff, but there is plenty of it and it does sort of give me purpose. If you count being super irritated because you have a conference call during the last fifteen minutes of the Vanderpump season finale as purpose. At this point, I'll take what I can get.

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