
Monday, May 04, 2020

The Craft

One tragic side effect of the pandemic is that we aren't getting nearly enough puns on the titles of Neve Campbell movies. So I'm helping us all out with this hilariously-titled post about my quarantine craft projects.

To begin with, I've taken up mosaics. It's an amazing hobby if you enjoy firing random shards of broken glass across your living room. You also get to wear goggles so you don't accidentally blind yourself. My only regret is that we're not trying to make an insurance deductible, since Ian has repeatedly stepped on pieces of my creations that the vacuum somehow failed to pick up. Here's my current work in progress:

Oh no, sorry, that's a mosaic from ancient Pompeii. Easy mistake. My work is actually much better, though:

I still need to fill out the edges, obviously, but I'm sure I still have a little time before the galleries come calling.

I've also taken up weaving, which is not as far along, due to a tragic yarn mixup, in which Amazon sent me sparkle yarn I did not order that would only be suitable for knitting stripper thongs. Which I am considering. But I have half of a wall hanging completed, incorporating several different kinds of weaves that exist for some reason. And it's a great thing to do while re-watching old episodes of Parks & Recreation because you have run out of other ideas of things to watch. My life is very rich.

Anyway, hope that didn't make you all want to Scream.

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