
Sunday, September 06, 2020

At Last, Some Live Updates 

Not that they'll necessarily be entertaining.

Like many people in quarantine, we've become obsessed with getting every single aspect of our home exactly the way we want it to be. Because if we just find the right ottoman to go with our armchairs, we won't be desperate to leave the house any more. Except the ottoman failed to fill the void in our souls, as did the bar cart, the new painting in the living room, and the full reorganization of the kitchen. I've got high hopes for the under-sink organizer, though.

We've also been catching up TV we somehow failed to catch when it was current. We're on season 2 of Happy Endings, which we like, aside from the network's inexplicable decision to shuffle the order of the episodes so that things seem to happen and unhappen from week to week. I read online that they wanted to highlight more of a "hangout vibe" for the series; that phrase alone is disqualifying. We're also on Season 2 of Friday Night Lights. We loved season 1, but we were warned that season 2 went "off the rails" a bit. It was a good warning, but an understatement. I'd say it's probably never a good idea to involve two of your most lighthearted characters in a murder right off the bat, and making Julie Taylor suddenly a nightmare for unspecified reasons seems unwise. Connie Britton's hair still looks great, though.

And tomorrow is Labor Day. Like a three-day weekend really means anything at this point. Onward we go...

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