
Sunday, September 20, 2020

Fall Festival 

I am not one of those people who gets excited for sweater weather and pumpkin spiced lattes. I do not enjoy feeling a chill in the air and fall colors bore me. I want to lie in the sun, preferably drunk, and read old issues of Us Weekly. But given the pandemic, it's important to my sanity that I come up with some things to look forward to this fall. So, to that end:

-- Columbus Day. Although I have mixed feelings about the man and I'm not even sure if my firm takes the day off. So maybe not.

-- Thanksgiving. But relatives won't be able to come in due to the pandemic and we certainly won't be able to go out for our traditional buffet, so I guess that's also still a maybe.

-- Fall-themed Hallmark movies. I think they probably got those produced before the pandemic. Or maybe they shot them in Canada or some other country that actually knows what it's doing.

-- Halloween. I actually haven't even really enjoyed Halloween since I felt like I got too old to dress up a few years back, but I mean, it's a thing. Maybe there will be some good seasonal flavors of M&Ms or something.

-- The election. Depending on how it turns out, obviously. Kind of mixture of anticipation and dread there, actually.

And then there's, I don't know, lower utility bills? Obviously I could use some help here. Suggestions welcome.

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