
Sunday, January 24, 2021

In Which Shit Gets Real 

We've reached the part of the winter during which shit officially gets real. The holidays are over, the decorations have all come down, and the creeping realization that months of cold and ineffectual attempts at weight loss are ahead of us is beginning to set in. This year, of course, it's worse than ever, because we can add the threat of deadly disease to the list of reasons we must be shut ins. And since we've already been in lockdown for well nigh a year now, the Netflix well is frankly beginning to run dry. There's a reason we're expanding our watchlist to include a fifth iteration of the real housewives now, and it ain't because it's quality television. Something must fill the hours. Something.

To that end, we've added recreational real estate shopping to our list of past times. We're just finally starting to get the townhouse the way we want it and I would literally rather pound nails into my skull than move all of our crap again, but being stuck in one's home 24/7 definitely has a way of making a move to a bigger place seem desirable. Plus, it is fun to shop for things in your mind, where you don't have to actually pay for them. So we've been looking at listings, and today we actually went to an open house. It was only like five blocks away from where we live now, but still, I view that as a major effort. The verdict was that it was a lovely house, but at 6000 square feet more space than most families who don't have their own show on TLC need. Also kind of cold, but that could just be me.

Anyway, now I'm doing this, and next I'm going to update my online banking profile in response to a letter I got from Chase. So yeah, clearly the schedule is just jam packed.

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