
Monday, January 18, 2021

Storage Wars 

I have a hard time parting with my old CDs, DVDs, etc., perhaps because I am insane. There are several boxes of albums in my garage, including a shocking number of Dave Matthews Band recordings, even though I know they may incriminate me. I have no fewer than three dozen games for the original Nintendo console in my possession, including some of the ones where they were clearly just phoning it in and it's just like Ronald McDonald hunting for Big Macs or something. And just to prove that I'm not the only one who's weird, Ian has a VHS copy of The Net starring Sandra Bullock that he taped off of television. Or had, rather. The VHS player actually ate it in a tragic incident last January that should have been a sign to us of how 2020 was going to be. Anyway, we got a ton of wholly unnecessary stuff.

Which is why I've started taking some of it over to storage as a compromise position. We're not throwing it out, but we're also not living with it. I have the wisdom of Solomon. Except Solomon never had to make small talk with the people who operate the freight elevator at our storage facility.

You see, our facility prides itself on being fully manned at all times since, as they told us, "some of those automated facilities, they just end up having homeless people break in there all the time." Also, they do not believe adults can be trusted to take the stairs, much less operate the freight elevator. So I'm always assigned a friend when I enter to escort me and my box of Suddenly Susan DVDs to my storage unit. Which is great, because I'm constantly soliciting other people's opinions on the things I don't want to have in my home any more.

So today we talked about the fact that my husband owns A Lot Like Love starring Ashton Kutcher on DVD, how a lot of people still have vinyl, crazy things that people have put in storage there (none of which were actually in any way crazy), how COVID has changed the storage industry, and, of course, the weather and everyone's health. It was legitimately the longest conversation I've had with a person outside my immediate circle in the past ten months. So I think I'm done for the year.  

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