
Monday, September 06, 2021

Summer in Photos 

A lot of this summer was just sitting around trying to not get the Delta variant, but some of it was kind of photogenic. Also, I'm tired of all the words, so I'm guessing you are, too.

Ian and I overcame our fear of looking dumb on bicycles and rode down to Northerly Island, where we definitely looked very dumb.

This is when we finally gave up on the rule that dogs are not allowed on the good couches. We've never looked back.

I had to prove to Ian that Holly Robinson Peete guest starred on Chicago Fire. Not that he doubted it; I just felt a strong need to prove it.

My mother and I went down to the Japanese garden in Jackson Park. It has a very high Instagramability to square footage ratio. 

Ian and I visited my friend Jeanne in Indiana. Also, Ian went blond for the summer. Did I mention that? It was an emotional journey.

My mother and I also checked out some of the Frank Lloyd Wright houses in Oak Park. Yes, we go to all the hot spots. This is basically Studio 54 in architectural form.

Of course, we also saw the Obama portraits at the Art Institute. And I'm fairly certain that my photos of people looking at the portraits are art in and of themselves. So you're welcome.

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