
Saturday, October 16, 2021

From Lisbon, With Love 

So yeah, this is apparently becoming a travel blog. I've got a lot of content from Portugal! Let's start with some pictures from Lisbon.

This is just after we arrived in Lisbon at like 7 in the morning, with almost no sleep (and crucially for my hairstyle, no showers). We spent an hour in the customs line, which was the first of many times we thought we got COVID, but did not. Anyway, Lisbon was pretty in the early morning light.

They've got a castle in Lisbon. With lots of steps. On a hill. We did a lot of climbing in Portugal. So basically I'm good giving up exercise forever now, right?

We stumbled upon this beautiful waterfront plaza where a man was playing gentle melodies on an acoustic guitar while young people laughed in the sunshine. It was like a pharmaceutical commercial come to life.

The Lisbon Museum of Ancient Art has a very loose definition of what's ancient, which works for me. They had a Bosch, which is always fun for me. Seeing people being tortured by demons and such always makes my life seem great.

At the Monument to the Discoveries. It's a big maritime country. Which, as a frequent viewer of Below Deck, I totally get. No sign of Malia, though.

Belem Tower. It used to be a fort, but I'm not really sure what its function is these days. Maybe you can have your Quinceanera there or something. 

They've got pretty great modern and contemporary art museum! I'm a sucker for Calder in a skylight, what can I say?

This seemed like a pretty good monastery, although admittedly I don't meet a wide range. We did get yelled at in Portuguese by the ticket man for reasons I don't understand, but that is true of a lot of places.

Colored tiles are big in Portugal. Also in preschools, but these are a lot better. If we're being honest, your kids' artwork sucks.

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