
Sunday, December 12, 2021

Philadelphia Story 

This is the last post about our Philadelphia trip, primarily because I'm out of Philadelphia-based titles. I'd have to go with, like, "Philadelphia Cream Cheese" or "Philadelphia Starring Tom Hanks" or something.

I really liked the way the Philadelphia Museum of Art installed its collections. Different rooms seemed to have different themes, like this naked-lady themed room.

This was the main hall of the PhilMA, as I've decided to call it. If only every room could bathe me in this same golden light.

At the Barnes Foundation Museum, they've got so many masterworks they just kind of jumble them together, like they went online and ordered Mixtiles or something. And yes, the Matisse in the middle looks like Annie Potts.

They had a winter festival going on at the town hall, like in a Hallmark movie, but without falling back in love with your high school boyfriend.

We didn't ride the carousel, but I enjoyed it in theory. Just like Rodgers & Hammerstein's Carousel.

Isn't it so arty that I got a picture of Ian taking a picture of the Liberty Bell? Less so that I got my finger in the picture.

Independence Hall, as seen in the major motion picture National Treasure. We looked around for the meat counter Diane Kruger hides behind during this same segment of the movie, but were unable to find it. A historical marker should be considered.

There's also a Rodin museum, which was small but effective. Sort of like Lacey Chabert.

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